Component: Rain gardens
Rain gardens are relatively small depressions in the ground that can act as infiltration points for roof water and other ‘clean’ surface water – i.e. water that is low in contamination levels.
Rain gardens are most likely to be implemented on private property close to buildings. In order for roof water to reach a rain garden, property downpipes are often disconnected from the drainage system and redirected.
Rain gardens should be planted up with native vegetation that is happy with occasional inundations.
Advantages & disadvantages
Easy to retrofit
Small, so minimal land take
Attractive features that can help to improve open space
Can be planned as landscaping features
Can reduce rate of run off and some volume reduction
Flexible layout to fit into landscape
Can be installed in impervious areas if designed correctly
Easy to maintain
As they are often small, their impact on volume reduction can be limited
Requires landscaping and management
Susceptible to clogging if surrounding landscape is not managed
Not suitable for areas with steep slopes
Where component can be used 
Residential: Yes
Commercial/industrial: Yes
High density: Yes
Retrofit: Yes
Contaminated sites: No
Sites above vulnerable groundwater: No
Peak flow reduction: Good
Volume reduction: Medium
Water quality treatment: Medium
Amenity potential: Good
Ecology potential: Good
Litter/trash removal
Inlet/outlet cleaning
Vegetation management
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