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Northern Development Area, Newcastle Upon Tyne



North Brunton, Tyne and Wear



The site is a residential and commercial greenfield development either side of the A1. The Environment Agency was concerned about effects on the Ouse Burn which is a sensitive watercourse. Wetlands and ponds are used to treat runoff from the site and from the A1 before it enters the Burn. Wetlands already exist in the Ouse Burn Meadows which is a Site of Nature Conservation Interest, and water is allowed to percolate in this area.


Newcastle City Council adopted the ponds and wetlands in public areas and the developers paid a commuted sum towards their maintenance. Swales were not included to help reduce maintenance costs. The council was persuaded to use SuDS by the long-term savings and amenity value.


SuDS used:

The following SuDS components were used on this site:


  • Retention ponds

  • Wetlands


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