Component: Bioretention areas
Bioretention areas are shallow landscaped depressions which are typically under drained and rely on engineered soils, enhanced vegetation and filtration to remove pollution and reduce runoff downstream. They are aimed at managing and treating runoff from frequent rainfall events.
Advantages & disadvantages
Can be planned as landscaping features
Very effective in removing urban pollutants
Can reduce volume and rate of runoff
Flexible layout to fit into landscape
Well-suited for installation in highly impervious areas, provided the system is well-engineered and adequate space is made available
Good retrofit capability
Requires landscaping and management
Susceptible to clogging if surrounding landscape is not managed
Not suitable for areas with steep slope
Where component can be used

Residential: Yes
Commercial/industrial: Yes
High density: No
Retrofit: Yes
Contaminated sites: Yes
Sites above vulnerable groundwater: Yes
Peak flow reduction: Medium
Volume reduction: Medium (High with infiltration)
Water quality treatment: Good
Amenity potential: Good
Ecology potential: Medium
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