CIRIA has produced a number of guidance documents covering a range of opportunities and challenges related to general water management, all the way through to specific SuDS components. The more notable publications are CIRIA C753 The SuDS Manual and CIRIA C713 Retrofitting for surface water management. The majority of publications are below, some are free to download.
2024. This new guidance is intended to support the effective design of blue roofs, which manage rainfall at its source and help mitigate local flood risks, especially in dense urban areas. It provides background information, planning considerations, and a step-by-step approach to detailed hydraulic calculations. Click here for more information.
2023. This new guidance is intended for those developments affected by nutrient neutrality rulings. It outlines the design criteria for a good SuDS scheme that can maximise the opportunity to capture and remove nitrogen. It also describes the difficulties of capturing nitrogen, as it is present in different forms, and the many different processes to do so.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
2023. This new publication provides good practice guidance on the use of SuDS for the reduction of phosphorus in runoff from new developments. It sets out the necessary SuDS, deployed in ‘treatment trains’ to achieve phosphorus reduction, particularly for sensitive receiving waters and nationally important nature conservation sites. It represents good practice surface water management through the use of SuDS and can be applied anywhere.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Save time and money with SuDS - SuDS infographic
2019. The 'Save time and money with SuDS' infographic details the multiple benefits of SuDS and how the sustainable drainage approach is better for the community.
Infographic - Download here
Reference sources - Download here
Guidance on the construction of SuDS (C768) (FREE)
2017. This guide provides best practice guidance on the construction of SuDS to ensure effective delivery.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
The SuDS Manual (C753) (FREE)
2015. This comprehensive guidance provides best practice guidance on the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of SuDS.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
BeST (Benefits of SuDS Tool) (FREE)
2015. The ‘Going with the flow’ infographic details some of the key objectives and outcomes from a sustainable drainage approach.
Demonstrating the multiple benefits of SuDS - A busines case - Literature review (FREE)
2013. This is the background literature review for CIRIA Research Project RP993.
Download here
Planning for SuDS – making it happen (C687) (FREE)
2010. The guidance provides an easy to use reference for those not overly familiar with SuDS, the planning and development process or a mixture of both.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Site handbook for the construction of SUDS (C698) (FREE)
2007. This handbook provides guidance on the construction of SuDS to facilitate their effective delivery.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Sustainable Drainage Systems - Hydraulic, structural and water quality advice
2004. This technical report summarises current knowledge on the best approaches to design and construction of sustainable drainage systems.
Click here for more information
2023. Natural flood management (NFM) is a tool to help reduce flood risk. It complements other flood risk management approaches and involves working across the landscape to protect, restore or mimic the natural hydrological processes that occur.
This manual provides guidance on NFM targeted to lead local flood authorities, environmental regulators, internal drainage boards, water and sewerage companies, infrastructure owners and operators, landowners, land managers, tenant farmers, environmental NGOs, community groups, catchment partnerships, universities, and research organisations.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall - encouraging the uptake of designing for exceedance - Recommendations and summary (C738a) (FREE)
2014. This report summarises key findings from CIRIA project RP991 to support the delivery of drainage exceedance and refers to examples of good practice obtained from case studies, literature review and consultation with industry.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall - encouraging the uptake of designing for exceedance - Lessons and success factors (C738b) (FREE)
2014. This report summarises key learning points and success factors obtained from case studies, literature review and consultation with industry.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall - encouraging the uptake of designing for exceedance - Case studies (C738c) (FREE)
2014. This report collates 12 case studies demonstrating the delivery of drainage exceedance. Individual case studies can be found here
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall - encouraging the uptake of designing for exceedance - Literature review (FREE)
2014. This is the background literature review fo the project.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Retrofitting to manage surface water (C713) (FREE)
2012. This guidance sets out a process to achieve the retrofitting of surface water management measures. It integrates the principles of urban design with surface water management.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Designing for exceedance in urban drainage: Good practice (C635) (FREE)
2006. This guidance provides best practice advice for the design and management of drainage systems to accommodate extreme rainfall events and manage drainage exceedance.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Drainage of development sites - a guide (X108) (FREE)
2004. The guide assists those involved with foul and surface water drainage of development sites.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Model agreements for sustainable drainage systems (C625)
2004. This guide provides advice on the use and development of model operation and maintenance agreements for sustainable drainage systems.
Click here for more information
Control of pollution from highway drainage discharge (R142)
1994. This report reviews the potential pollutants present in highway drainage discharges, and assesses the impact on receiving waters.
Click here for more information
Communication and engagement in local flood risk management (C751) (FREE)
This guide is useful to identify, engage and work with people likely to be affected by flooding, or integral to its future management.
Download here
Communication and engagement techniques in local flood risk management, companion guide (C752) (FREE)
This is a companion guide to Communication and engagement in local flood risk management (C751) and provides more details on the techniquies and their use.
Download here
Creating water sensitive places – scoping the potential for Water Sensitive Urban Design in the UK (C724) (FREE)
2013. This scoping study provides detail about Water Sensitive Urban Design and its potential role in the UK. It is complemented by C723.
Click here for more information
Water Sensitive Urban Design in the UK - ideas for built environment practitioners (C723) (FREE)
2013. This ideas booklet explains Water Sensitive Urban Design and its potential role in the UK.
Click here for more information
Guidance on water cycle management for new developments (WaND) (C690)
2010.This guidance provides advice on achieving improved sustainable water cycle management in new developments.
Click here for more information
Sustainable water management in schools (W012) (FREE)
2006. Provides best practice on incorporating sustainable water management into school design and sets out the business case for doing so.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Blue-green infrastructure - perspectives on planning, evaluation and collaboration (C780a) (FREE)
2019. Covers planning perspectives, engagement with communities their perceptions of SuDS and how they can affect the delivery and management of BGI.
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
Blue-green infrastructure - perspectives on water quality benefits (780b) (FREE)
2019. Covers the factors that influence the water quality management performance of BGI, particularly sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).
Download here (content is freely available once you have registered/signed in to CIRIA)
The benefits of large species trees in urban landscapes: a costing, design and management guide (C712)
2012. This guide highlights the importance of large species trees, including the retention and enhancement of existing trees for new and existing developments.
Click here for more information
Delivering biodiversity benefits through green infrastructure (C711)
2011. This guide provides advice about maximising the benefits of green infrastructure for the construction industry.
Click here for more information
Structural and geotechnical design of modular geocellular drainage systems (C737)
This supersedes C680 and discusses the different types of geocellular units available and provides guidance on the testing that should be undertaken to determine their strength, deformation characteristics, geotechnical design as well as installation.
Click here for more information
Structural designs of modular geocellular drainage tanks (C680)
2008. This guidance discusses the different types of geocellular drainage units and differences in their structural performance.
Click here for more information
Building Greener (C644)
2007. This guidance provides advice on the design, construction and operation of green roofs and green walls.
Click here for more information
Source control using constructed pervious surfaces. Hydraulic, structural and water quality performance issues (C582)
2002. This guidance discusses issues that should be considered when designing and constructing pervious surfaces.
Click here for more information
Review of the design and management of constructed wetlands (R180)
1997. This report details the benefits and limitations of constructed wetlands to treat wastewater, and urban and highway runoff.
Click here for more information
Infiltration drainage – manual of good practice (R156)
1996. This guidance provides advice on the planning, funding, design, construction or maintenance of infiltration systems.
Click here for more information
Design of flood storage reservoirs (B14)
1993. This guidance is intended primarily to assist with the detailed design of flood storage reservoirs for flood control.
Click here for more information
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