Component: Filter trench
Filter trenches are shallow excavations filled with rubble or stone that create temporary subsurface storage of stormwater runoff. These trenches can be used to filter and convey stormwater to downstream SuDS components.
Ideally they should receive lateral inflow from an adjacent impermeable surface, but point source inflows may be acceptable.
Advantages & disadvantages
High clogging potential without effective pre-treatment – not for sites with fine particled soils (clay/silts) in upstream catchment
Build-up of pollution/ blockages difficult to see
High historic failure rate due to poor maintenance, wrong siting or high debris input
Limited to relatively small catchments
High cost of replacing filter material should blockage occur.
Where component can be used 
Residential: Yes
Commercial/industrial: Yes
High density: Yes
Retrofit: Yes
Contaminated sites: Yes
Sites above vulnerable groundwater: Yes
Peak flow reduction: Medium
Volume reduction: Low
Water quality treatment: High
Amenity potential: Low
Ecology potential: Low
Regular inspection for signs of clogging
Removal of sediment from pre-treatment system
Removal and cleaning or replacement of stone.
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