Susdrain briefings

Susdrain briefings are articles, updates and papers on topics related to sustainable drainage. They’re developed by professionals working in the area and cover a number of topical areas including sustainable drainage, surface water management, green infrastructure delivery and general sustainable water management. If you have an idea for a susdrain briefing, or would like to submit something for review please contact Louise.

Infiltration rates for SuDS: Is it time to ditch BRE 365 tests? February 2025

Steve Wilson and Jacqueline Diaz-Nieto, EPG Ltd, discuss the alternatives to BRE 365 infiltration tests and whether testing is required when a desk-based study clearly shows infiltration will not be possible. 

Update to the Flood Risk and Coastal Change section of Planning Practice Guidance August 2022

Environment Agency briefing note and summary slide pack

On Thursday 25th August 2022, government published a comprehensive update to the Flood risk and coastal change section of the Planning Practice Guidance.

 The Environment Agency has produced a briefing note and summary slide pack for those involved with the flood risk, sustainable drainage (SuDS) or coastal change aspects of development planning, including:

• Environment Agency staff

• local authority planning officers and elected members

• developers 

• consultants undertaking flood risk assessment or drainage design


The benefits of distributed SuDS in London May 2021
Simon Ainley, Arcadis
Presents some of the key outcomes of the London Strategic SuDS Pilot Study so far, and the implications they may have on future SuDS delivery in London and elsewhere.

Flood risk assessment: climate change allowances - Environment Agency guidance October 2016
Ian Small & Andrew Heath Brown, AECOM
Discusses the new climate change allowances and the impact on flood risk assessments

The SuDS solution August 2015
Suzanne Simmons, CIRIA
Discusses the role of SuDS ahead of the publication of the SuDS manual update.

Getting best value from SuDS legislation September 2013

Ruth Newton, Independent Consultant and Bob Bray, Robert Bray Associate

Examine how local authorities can capitalise from SuDS legislation


Sustainable drainage - to compliance and beyond January 2013

Paul Shaffer, CIRIA and susdrain

Discusses whether SuDS compliance will deliver multiple benefits.


Evolving our approach to manage surface water October 2012

Chris Digman, MWH and Jonathan Glerum, CIRIA

Provides an overview of the growing integration of urban design and managing surface water and the multiple benefits this can unlock.


SuDS in the community: a suitable case for treatment?  August 2012

David Singleton, DSA Environment + Design Ltd

Brief account of the benefits of SuDS, discussing the role of community engagement in successful SuDS delivery.


Retro living – it’s back in fashion  May 2012

Jonathan Glerum, CIRIA

A snapshot of what’s happening in London to retrofit surface water management.


Community outreach for surface water management April 2012

David Schofield, Hydro Consultancy

A case study from Portland, Oregon, USA on their approach to community engagement to assist with sustainable drainage.


Retro ideas for a modern world  December 2011

Chris Digman, MWH

Explains how managing surface water differently can provide an opportunity to change urban areas.


The role of Water Sensitive Urban Design in the UK  October 2011

Paul Shaffer, CIRIA 

Explores the role of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) in delivering improved water cycle management in developments.


SuDS and SABs – implication of new legislation for local authorities September 2011

Ruth Newton & Bob Bray

Highlights the main requirements of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the potential implications for local authorities.


Local flood risk management: challenges and the way forward June 2011

Ali Cotton, Halcrow Group Ltd & Dave Graham, Gloucestershire County Council  

Presentation of the opportunities and challenges for local flood risk management in England and Wales.


Delivering green infrastructure in the existing urban environment  June 2011

Louise Clarke, CIRIA

Discusses the importance of delivering green infrastructure in the urban environment, its benefits and approaches for implementation.


SuDS – a developing landscape  March 2011

Jonathan Glerum, CIRIA  

Outlines how SuDS can be integrated into urban landscape using best practice solutions.


More to SuDS than meets the eye  December 2010

Ron Henry, Peter Brett Associates   

Outlines how SuDS have been used in the Hampton development.


Surface water management and green infrastructure  November 2010 

Richard Ashley, Pennine Water Group & Roger Nowell, Sheffield City Council

Provides an overview of developments in linking surface water management to green infrastructure to deliver multiple benefits.


What’s in an acronym: SuDS vs WSUD  September 2009

Alan Hoban, Healthy Waterways  & Jonathan Glerum, CIRIA

Outlines the approach that Australia and the UK has to managing water and more specifically surface water.



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