Component: Other permeable surfaces
Other permeable surfaces can include:
- Grass (if the area will not be trafficked)
- Reinforced grass
- Gravelled areas
The water passes through the surface to the permeable fill. This allows the storage, treatment, transport and infiltration of water.
Advantages and disadvantages
Reduced peak flows to watercourses reducing the risk of flooding downstream
Reduced effects of pollution in runoff on the environment
Reduced need for deep excavations for drainage, which can have significant cost benefits
Allows dual use of space, so no additional land take
Removes need for gully pots and manholes
Good community acceptability.
Cannot be used where large sediment loads may be washed/carried onto the surface
Risk of long term clogging and weed growth if poorly maintained
May have some load nearing considerations.

Where component can be used
Residential: Yes
Commercial/industrial: Yes
High density: Yes
Retrofit: Yes
Contaminated sites: Yes
Sites above vulnerable groundwater: Yes – if appropriate
Peak flow reduction: Good
Volume reduction: Good
Water quality treatment: Good
Amenity potential: Poor
Ecology potential: Poor
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