Component: Soakaways
Soakaways are square or circular excavations either filled with rubble or lined with brickwork, pre-cast concrete or polyethylene rings/perforated storage structures surrounded by granular backfill. They can be grouped and linked together to drain large areas including highways. The supporting structure and backfill can be substituted by modular or geocellular units.
Soakaways provide stormwater attenuation, stormwater treatment and groundwater recharge.
Advantages & disadvantages
Minimal net land take
Provides groundwater recharge
Good volume reduction and peak flow attenuation
Good community acceptability
Easy to construct and operate
Can be retrofitted
Not suitable for poor draining soils
Field investigations required to confirm infiltration rates
Not suitable for locations where infiltration water may put structural foundations at risk, or where infiltrating water may adversely affect existing drainage patterns
Not appropriate for draining polluted runoff
Increased risk of groundwater pollution
Some uncertainty over long-term performance and possible reduced performance during long wet periods
Where the property owner is responsible for operation and maintenance, performance difficult to guarantee.

Where component can be used
Residential: Yes
Commercial/industrial: Yes
High density: Yes
Retrofit: Yes
Contaminated sites: No
Sites above vulnerable groundwater: No
Peak flow reduction: Good
Volume reduction: Good
Water quality treatment: Good
Amenity potential: Poor
Ecology potential: Poor
Infiltration techniques:
provide storage for runoff in an underground chamber, lined with a porous membrane and filled with coarse crushed rock.
enhance the natural ability of the soil to drain the water. They do this by providing a large surface area in contact with the surrounding soil, through which the water can pass.
The amount of water that can be disposed of by a soakaway within a specified time depends mainly on the infiltration potential of the surrounding soil. The size of the device and the bulk density of any fill material will govern storage capacity.
Runoff is treated in different ways by a soakaway. These include:
physical filtration to remove solids
adsorption onto the material
biochemical reactions involving micro-organisms growing on the fill or in the soil.
The level of treatment depends on the size of the media and the length of the flow path through the system, which controls the time it takes the runoff to pass into the surrounding soil. Pre-treatment may be required before polluted runoff is allowed into a soakaway.
Soakaways are easy to integrate into a site, but they offer very little in the way of amenity or biodiversity value as they should be completely underground and water should not appear on the surface.
They do, however, increase soil moisture content and help to recharge groundwater, thereby helping to mitigate problems of low river flows.
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