Champions Hub
Welcome to the susdrian champions hub - the place for champions to gain the tools necessary to promote SuDS and susdrain.
Here susdrain’s partners and supporters access the champion's toolkit enhancing their ability to effectively promote SuDS and the resources available to practitioners through susdrain. The toolkit works to influence a change in behaviour in the wider industry, pushing for them to switch to the sustainable approach, recommending SuDS over traditional drainage systems.
Developers Infographic
The ‘Save time and money with SuDS’ infographic provides an outline showcasing the multiple benefits afforded to developers through the incorporation of SuDS as opposed to traditional drainage systems.
Download Infographic.
Download Infographic extracts.
susdrain champion's social media share kit
The share kit contains template messages tailored for the three key audiences involved in SuDS delivery process. The social media messages highlight the mulitple benefits of SuDS and promotes susdrain as one of the best sources of information on SuDS in the UK.
Download Share kit.
Value and benefit of susdrain PowerPoint
The powerpoint provides champions with an overview of susdrain allowing them to easily understand what we do. Champions are also armed with the knowledge needed to introduce susdrain to new contacts.
Download Powerpoint.
Knowledge Hubs
Other useful websites and links
Get in touch.
We are always looking for new and exciting content so if you have something you would like to contribute or have ideas for new research, a fact sheet or a case study which you would like us to produce please get in touch by contacting,