

Schedule 3 - review published

This review recommends that the government must act and implement Schedule 3 to the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 as written, with the unitary authority or, if there is not one for the area, then the county council as approving bodies.


This will ensure a consistent and more effective approach in using SuDS to help address the impacts of climate change, urbanisation and increasing population while achieving multiple benefits such as reducing surface water flood risk, improving water quality, and harvesting rainwater to meet current and future needs.


However, these benefits can only be realised if SuDS are designed, constructed, adopted, and maintained to national standards for the lifetime of the development.


Implementing Schedule 3 will guarantee this is achieved. The review recommends that successful implementation of Schedule 3 will require professionals with the skills and knowledge to design, construct, assess and maintain SuDS.


It also recommends that actions are developed to ensure there is sufficient access to the right skills and capabilities to deliver and maintain SuDS.”

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